Live the greatest tale ever told!

By the creators of “Hercules – The Twelve Labors” theme park
From October 22nd 2019 to February 23rd 2020 at Noesis

The greatest tale ever told!

The greatest tale ever told, by the creators of “Hercules – The Twelve Labors” theme park!

The “Odyssey” Theme Park – Museum is a highly educational and entertaining park.

All the adventures and hardships of Odyssey come alive and unfold before the eyes of the visitors at Noesis – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum,which is transformed in the scenery of ancient times, with three-dimensional, robotic effigies that move and make sounds, of the gods, the demigods, the monsters and beasts the hero had to face.

Why visit the park?

All visitors of the unique theme park take an unforgettable journey back in time. They interactively discover the adventures of Odysseus, watch the resourceful and tireless hero struggle to take his fate in his own hands, dealing with gods, demigods, witches and giants; they hear the secret words whispered by the goddess Athena, all the instructions and advice that Tiresias, the blind prophet, gave him; all the places the king of Ithaca traveled while wandering for ten years.

Inside the Trojan Horse, where once the Achaeans squeezed attempting to conquer Troy, there are all the memories and incredible details of Odysseus’ legendary journey, the fearless hero; also all the memories, adventures and battles of the heroe of the most fascinating history in the world. Thus visitors of the theme park get to experiense, hear and see the beasts and stories; they learn the secret tricks Odysseus had to devise in order to overcome the great hardships and to survive the danger, the mythical monsters and the will of gods against him. Circe, the Cyclops, the Laestrygonians, the Sirens, Neptune and the kind Aeolus are waiting for you to tell you their stories.

Highly educational and humorous, the Odyssey theme park tour will be an unforgettable, experiential and educational visit.

Scientific validity and humor

The supervision and educational validity of the theme park and all the information and texts have been undertaken by a great scientific and creative team.

Mr. Ioannis Kazazis, Professor of Ancient Classical Philology and President of the Greek Language Center is in charge of the scientific supervision and guidance of the team. He is a Research Fellow at the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the University of N. Dakota and Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland.

The writer and researcher, Panagiotis Topalidis, undertook the writing of the texts and the script of the museum-theme park.

A different “touch” to the park, added Yiannis Servetas, well known for his intelligent humor. His own “intervention” into the script and texts added humor.

From October 22nd 2019 to February 23rd 2020

Science Dissemination Center ΝΟESIS – Thessaloniki

Operating Hours

Tuesday to Friday09:00 – 13:00
Saturday11:00 – 19:00
Sunday11:00 – 19:00

*last entrance 50′ before closing


General admission9€
Family ticket (parents with 2 children)
Family of 3
Group & Scheduled School Visits7€
Unemployed (Saturdays only, unemployment card necessary)5€
Children under 3 years of ageFREE of charge

Frequently Asked Questions

Can tickets be bought online?

No, visitors buy the tickets at the time and day they visit the park.

Is the theme park only for school visits?

No, it also welcomes free visitors. Scheduled school visits are held on weekdays, in the morning. However, visitors are also free to visit the park on weekdays.

Group visits, how many people does it refer to?

It refers to more than 20 people and a phone booking is required.

Should a phone booking be made before every visit?

Phone bookings are only made for group visits or school visits.

Are photos and videos allowed?

Yes, there is no limitation to photos and videos. Actually … they are necessary in order to make the visit in the theme park an unforgettable one!

Do visitors tour the park by themselves?

Once visitors enter the park, they are separated in small groups and led by an “animator” throughout the tour.

Are coffee and snacks available?

After the end of the tour, there is a coffee shop where visitors can enjoy drinks, snacks and meals.

Do visitors pay extra for the actions within the theme park?

No, the tour and all the actions during the tour in the park are included in the ticket price. Visitors pay only for what they chose to buy from the souvenir shop, the coffee shop or the dining area.

Contact Information

Information:  231 231 5249 & 6946 55 82 82

Bookings for groups and schools:  231 231 5248

Email :


Science Dissemination Center ΝΟESIS

6th km Thessaloniki – Thermis

57001 Thermi

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